May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I am delighted for you to be launched so successfully on Substack and thus able to guide us on saving Western Civilization!

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

You inspire us, Ayaan!

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Congratulations Ayaan! Thank you for your insightful and thought-provoking posts!

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Thank-you Ayaan! Appreciate so much all that you do!!

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Thank you to you for all you do with courage to stop islamistes

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Your contribution is invaluable and I am thrilled to read your articles. The three modern challenges you highlight: communism, wokism, and Islamism, are dangerous, strangely interconnected extremist politico-theist movements (sorry, I think I just made up this word). There are others, but these pose at present great danger. They are also, I think, at the core of modern day warfare, which uses the spread of ideas instead of guns. I am looking forward as well to your statistics-backed outlook, which I anticipate I will be able to understand and appreciate fully. I am also excited about your plans to start a podcast. In recent years it has become increasingly difficult to follow world events by simply trusting main stream media – witness several high profile recent departures from the likes of NYT and NPR – but I remember hints of trouble years ago, when William Safire retired his political column from the NYT. Podcasts are very interesting and, because they provide in-depth discussions, they also make it more difficult to cover up hidden agendas and sophistry. In these “interesting times” I am glad to have access to the wisdom of several voices of reason, yours an important one among them. There is much at stake when the foundations of our hard-won Western civilization are under attack.

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I think I was one of the first like 25 or so subscribers. And that wasn’t very long ago so congratulations!

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May 26Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Yup another early subscribers here...Well done and congratulations...

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Now is your time. Islamism is cultural & morally incompatible with Judeo-Christian values. We really are at an Orwellian juncture in time with autocratic dictatorships aligning aggressive Islam. I'm with you.

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Ayaan, we need you and your voice! I'll be very interested in #2. Please do this for America, as well as countries around the world. If our Western countries go to sh*t, where should we all flee to?

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It's a good question! I think we have no choice but to stand and fight, Emilia!

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Thanks, Ayaan. By the way, you mentioned a team of programmers helping you. I'm a software engineer - please let me know if I can help volunteer.

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Privileged to be able to support your work. You are very much an inspiration to me - to many others. A growing voice. I am also very much inspired by your honesty, your courage and your integrity to speak of matters that others refuse to see or speak about. Although lets hope this change continues. I do believe many can see what you see - I have and do.

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Jun 3Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I consider yours the most important voice in America right now. Thank you for what you’re doing

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Ayaan, I just finished reading your book "Infidel" and I noticed that I can't find the movie Submission Part 1 in English. I would love to see it. The whole English speaking world needs to see it.

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Ayaan, I'm an Aussie of Polish descent and part-time author and researcher (https://vincebarwinski.com/library), who has studied National and Socialism and Communism all my life. Although, it was not until the COVID pLandemic and the American Summer riots of 2020, that I truly woke up, when I now think, I should have done so much sooner. (https://rumble.com/vempl3-freedom-road-socialist-organization-exposed.html -- three minute chilling video that was the turning point for me. I cited it in a chapter of my book -- https://vincebarwinski.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/07_complete_chapter_29_pastor_and_the_matriarch.pdf)

A mate of mine got me onto your brilliant article "We Have Been Subverted", most poignantly dated 04th June 2024 -- the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. After reading it, it was so bang on the money, I was compelled to subscribe. Your depth of knowledge of Communism and its subversion, rivals what I have seen from The Epoch Times, of whom I made a lifetime subscription to back in December last year.

My autodidact father was a devout Catholic, and most of my life, I was not really so, to say the least. However, by early 2022, I decided to start attending church regularly, as I can see the corrosive WOKE ideology and Globalism is determined to obliterate Christianity. Thus, I am terrified when I envision what they will replace it with.

All the best Ayaan and God Bless.

PS: You are the quintessential antithesis to Ilhan Omar! You cherish the American freedoms you and your family have been given, but Omar, spits and tramples on them. That is hard for me to understand.

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