Another brilliant essay on a critically important topic / Thank you Ayaan! My 5 cents on this: From years of prosecuting violent crimes & drug traffickers in DC’s local and fed courts, here’s the single most common factor BY FAR of these young men whom, sadly, it was my duty to prosecute: No stable father figure in the home, often from whole neighborhoods bereft of that presence. The hugely decisive role of this factor was and remains undeniable - Yet our woke policy mandarins insist on denying it, burying their heads instead in critical theory and similar dodges. And millions of boys continue to languish sans fathers.

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I think AHA was advocating for the adoption of Christian norms in her book "Nomad," so I certainly find a continuity in her views for the last 15 or so years. It has been a while since I read the book, but if I remember correctly, AHA's father adored her and her intellect even with the stifling restraints of Islam. The strength and resilience of people raised in a two-parent family is remarkable.

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Hi Ayaan!

I have a couple of points about your article.

#1. America had and still has a bigger problem than the one you mentioned. The problem you mention is like the sword that was thrust at our nation, while the problem I see is like the shield that was in disrepair due to an internally generated problem.

Just after our civil war, at the beginning of our industrial revolution, the leaders of our nation created the American compulsory education system and they designed it after the Prussian system. That's the education system that produced the people that mindlessly obeyed Hitler in committing the Holocaust. It's designed to make us just smart enough to be product members of the economy, but not smart enough to properly question the status quo of the political world. And what was the main thing they did? They erased philosophy as a subject of study from the traditional education that produced the great thinkers of western civilization. I'm referring to the Classical Education that goes back to Ancient Greece, which sees philosophy as the most important part of an education. FYI, I know you agree with this because your intellectual heritage includes Karl Popper's epistemology.

#2. I agree with you about Christian values. I'm an Ex-Muslim Christian Atheist.

I'm your founding member. I would really like to talk to you about these things. When do we get our zoom call? 😁

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Rami, I think you will love this interview that former Air Force Colonel Rob Maness did with Jeffrey Paul. Jeffrey indeed does a deep dive into how the Prussian Education system just after the Civil War took over the American education system.


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hey that link doesn't work. somehow it just takes me to the main website. i did a google search but didn't find it.

could you find it?

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Thank you for sending me this. Looks very interesting. I’ll reply again after I’ve seen it. Thank you again.

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Awesome! I’m half way through it and it’s amazing. Almost everything he says is stuff I already knew but lots of new stuff too. I wonder if he knows Gatto’s work. I’m gonna try to get him on my podcast. Thanks again for this!

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You are welcome. You might be interested in Chapter 29 of my book which draws parallels to America in 2020-21 and a crumbling Weimar Germany:


and other excerpts:


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there's a lot here to digest. would you be willing to come on the podcast to explain this to me and the audience? i'll be there mostly just to help you connect with the audience. what do you think?

what's the podcast about? uniting the cults. or in less markety language, uniting the world under the banner of some good ideas like peace and human rights.

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I just want to inform Ayaan that Eastern Orthodoxy reveres the Mother of God in the same way that Catholicism does. Many people do not understand Eastern Orthodoxy because we contain so many ethnic branches, such as Greek, Russian, Antiochian, Rumanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc. but we all are under one umbrella and are the same religion.

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Amazing insights. When I read such works of observation and illumination, I feel like a cultural tourist being guided by a docent of extraordinary knowledge. Humanity has been and continues to be deceived at so many turns by transparently deceitful social architects, scribes and scribblers. Thank you so much for your depth of conscience and dignity.

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Totally support your views on the importance of the family and the importance of Judeo-Christian values. I just want to note that Conservative Judaism treats men and women completely equally — very different from Orthodox Judaism. It combines for many of us the best of traditional practices with modern beliefs about equality.

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What are the other differences?

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Destroy the nuclear family?

Indoctrinate and Subvert?

The New Left and Cultural Marxism used these techniques to win the last round.

It is time to turn the tables on them.

The Republican party is now the party of the worker - the Proletariat. They must use the same techniques that the left used to achieve their current position.

Indoctrinate and Subvert the left with Judeo-Christian values. Get married, have children. Respect law and order. Respect culture and national sovreignty. Shrink big government and grow small business. Fortify our military and defend our borders. Send the invading masses back where they came from.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Absolutely spot-on! Ayaan mentioned Catholic families still having high birth rates, and after more than 12 months attending Traditional Catholic Latin mass, I can confirm this, when I see the plethora of large families attending mass and meeting with them at morning tea afterwards.

It is worth noting, that the FBI -- Federal Bolshevik Institute's Richmond Virginia office had circulated a memo last year targeting Traditional Latin Mass Catholics as domestic terrorists. This was indeed raised in Congress.

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There is no one out there today writing more intelligently and accurately on important topics for all of us than Ayaan. She should be required reading for all Millennials and Gen Z’ers. About the nuclear family she has it absolutely right: nothing is more important for the survival of the species than preserving it and growing it. The Soviets tried doing away with it in the 1920s with their community soup kitchens and their community pre-schools (yasli’s) — IT DIDN’T WORK! They encouraged children (Pavlik Morozov) to denounce their parents to the state (the surrogate parent) — IT DIDN’T WORK. The family returned. Once again, there is no one better than the always thoughtful, always armed with research Ayaan to comment on these matters!

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