May 24Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Unfortunately, I see a mirror image of this here, with bidens open borders policy, and pandering to the Islamic vote in Michigan. With open borders, will not be limited to Michigan long.

A gift from Obama.

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This essay contains much wisdom about the hard reality of the current moment. Democratic values of individual rights and the concomitant protections of freedom of speech, the press, and religion are on a collision course with Islamist expansionism. The Left’s embrace of tolerance at all costs is a death grip for the very values Western Civilization and the Enlightenment gifted us all. It’s ironic that the Americans who visit the Netherlands often have a “Grateful Dead” view of the country and rarely leave Amsterdam’s hash bars and red light district long enough to understand what’s going on. I can’t speak to Mr. Wilders “style points” but like Mr Trump, he appears to be correct on one big thing so I wish him well as this unchecked immigration crisis is rapidly careening toward a disaster we will soon be unable to fix

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I agree unreservedly. They both have figured out something crucial. And they both need to do something about their hair!

My only quibble is that the Enlightenment was a complicated time, and not wholly beneficial. Though, for that matter, nothing is!

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The hair comment made me literally laugh out loud Ms. Ali. If only I had a hairdresser to recommend! Thanks for all your insights in the fight for equal rights and against the Islamist menace.

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May 24Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

This is happening in Canada 🇨🇦 at the moment with front runner Pierre Poilievre of the Conservative Party. God help us if Trudeau gets even another minority mandate. #JustinJustGo

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He will go. He must. He really, really must. I struggle to think of a worse leader.

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May 25Liked by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I would add to this the remarkable speech by Winston Marshall at Oxford University, where he discussed populism and the elites as well as thoroughly embarrassing Nancy Pelosi, his debate opponent


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The problem is not immigration per se, but rather immigration by people who do not share Western values and who have no intention of assimilating. Indeed, the values of these immigrants should scare the hell out of progressive women and gays and Jews. Why they don’t just shows how morally bankrupt progressive ideology is.

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It's so predictable....much of the left with their faux compassion are just weak, and lacking moral courage. Is it really any suprise that the most virulent anti western hatred comes from the Universities? Academics who are too weak to face the real world and instead hide in fusty libraries and brainwash students...oh dear...this sort of thing rather brings out the 'far-right' rage in me...

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In the space of about twenty years, Ireland has been transformed demographically from being an overwhelmingly Christian country with a homogeneous European population, to a country today where 20% (yes TWENTY PERCENT) of the population was born outside the state. The effects of the strain on the infrastructure alone, never mind the culture of the country, can hardly be exaggerated. Yet any critics of the open doors (eg writer John Waters, who has his own Substack) are demonised as "far right" by the highly controlled media. The idea of a historical "far right" movement in a small country with no history of immigration -quite the opposite- is beyond laughable. But John is running as a candidate in the upcoming European Parliament elections, and the mood in the country is shifting, as the recent humiliation for the Righteous Thinkers in the Irish Parliament, when their proposed amendments to remove "woman" and "family" from the Constitution were rejected in a landslide No/No vote across the country has illustrated. Interesting times.

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Erin go bragh! It's NOT too late for your beautiful, poetic country. But you need to take back control--and fast!

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European Parliament elections this weekend. Lots of independent candidates. We will see.

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deletedMay 24
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it is truly amazing how little self reflection those on the left have had. It is there same here (in the UK) after Brexit. No serious consideration about why it happened, only pathetic smearing and finger pointing. Why are European elites no longer capable of critical thinking? I think perhaps they are rich incumbents of the 'end of history', too fat on their privilege to hear the cries of their people.

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