With all due respect, while the #MeToo movement has had its excesses and hypocrisies, especially later on, the basic premise of this essay is a bit off the mark. The concept of "fuzzy rape" unnecessarily muddies the waters IMHO. Most of this problem can be solved with *enthusiastic* consent, that is, "if it's not a HELL YEAH!, take that as a NO". Otherwise, "whoever has the yoni makes the rules" would cover the rest, as would the Golden Rule and Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative. Rolling back the sexual revolution wholesale is throwing out the baby with the bathwater IMHO.
But I certainly agree that the latest #MeTooUnlessYoureAJew, in regards to the October 7th terrorist attacks, is the ultimate hypocrisy indeed.
With all due respect, while the #MeToo movement has had its excesses and hypocrisies, especially later on, the basic premise of this essay is a bit off the mark. The concept of "fuzzy rape" unnecessarily muddies the waters IMHO. Most of this problem can be solved with *enthusiastic* consent, that is, "if it's not a HELL YEAH!, take that as a NO". Otherwise, "whoever has the yoni makes the rules" would cover the rest, as would the Golden Rule and Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative. Rolling back the sexual revolution wholesale is throwing out the baby with the bathwater IMHO.
And "libertine" doesn't have to be a bad thing: