Douglas is one of the great men he talks about. Ayaan is too, a great woman. May those who count stand up and be counted. There is still a place for heroism, even if the quiet variety, in this world.

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I hope these will be followed up with a transcript for those of us who prefer the written word...

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Full transcript generator: https://kome.ai/tools/youtube-transcript-generator - just copy and paste the poscast’s link and it does a pretty good job.

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This is marvelous.

“Restoration happens through great men and women doing remarkable things... The aim should be of life as a heroic journey oriented towards truth.”

Postmodernism has deconstructed so many sacred things: faith, the power of the masculine feminine, capitalism, patriotism, and liberty. Progressives have squandered the gifts of the west that generations have labored and fought to build.

I greatly appreciate this talk for its articulation of the problem, program for a solution, and proclamation of hope. Very powerful, Ayaan.

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"Pity the country that needs heroes" --Berthold Brecht

Depend instead on the decency and self-sacrifice of ordinary citizens.

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Thank you Ayaan for this wonderful and much needed initiative 🙏🏻

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Where will the great men come from? Perhaps they are holograms. Pixilated images projected by and through the "screen."

How will great men arise without great words? No one can speak to us when we are absorbed by the entertaining images that dance before our eyes. Our servant, the internet has become our master, we depend on him for our amusments.

The internet is our teacher and our school is show business. Show men are fundamentally unserious. We are, globally, amusing ourselves to death. Images have displaced words. We dialog with no one - and without dialog we can't think. The show men are arising. We will vote for them. That's all that remain. The Great men among us have no voice - we can't hear their words.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Wonderful, thank you. A suggestion - perhaps change the title to "... Great Men and Women Will Save the West" to capture what Douglas actually said (and maybe pull in more readers by doing so).

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Whilst l watched this - l follow you both, agree and admire what you are doing hence my subscription, however a re-occurring thought and theme came up for me and has been consistent across all media, podcasts etc. lately that l follow. I'm losing interest where once l was dogged. There is something deeply missing in so much talk amongst the intellectual sphere - accessibility. I don't consider myself stupid or unintelligent at all. However l do not have a university degree. The language used, constant analytical data as a reference tool for proof ( l do get why you use it) becomes monotonous and cumbersome. What is not being spoken to generally is humanity itself. The reason why any of us are here. The intellectual class generally speaks to the intellectual class. Jordan Peterson - has been at times exhausting to try to follow - but has sobered more in recent months in the use of his language and tone. What he speaks to runs much deeper and speaks to the trials and tribulations of being human.

Perhaps because we are so turned off the victim narrative because of its capture you end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I heard a recent friend speak ( she had been abused when young) , and then read an article pertaining to the same comments by Gemma Tognini in The Australian - that the horror felt by them at the total lack of appropriate response to Oct 7, the vicious barbarity of what has happened and the response or lack there of after gave pause and horror for any child sexual abuse victim, and true rape victim who are usually the silent ones - became a mirror to her own society and community that she is a part of. I also in conversation about this to another woman equally horrified, made comments about its just too horrendous to go there. It beggars belief - but here we are.

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I can’t find a way to comment on the Ford Foundation article so here’s a shot in the dark. While the data about the left leaning post 2013 contributions was interesting, I quit reading when the writer attempted to assert “Hispanics” had no grievances prior to 1966. He clearly didn’t grow up in South Texas! Google Hector P Garcia

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It’s been a week and I’m still very excited and inspired by this talk.

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