Love the D.I.E. Construct. I had occasion a few years back to visit an elementary school and was simply appalled at the mottos on the walls in every classroom. The indoctrination starts in kindergarten.

And for this who want to donate somewhere useful, check out the Piney Woods school.

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Shakespeare doesn’t need help to be plenty queer. Your focus on gender “as a construct” is misguided. Who is the real enemy here? I understand the West and its liberals can be damn annoying. And worse, harmful when taken to extremes. But we, the woke, aren’t the part of the electorate that is seeking to squash rights to bodily autonomy. There are many out there who are doing exactly that from the extreme members of the Republican Party in the US to the various caliphates abroad.

I can’t remember who said it but basically be careful of culture wars as they are distraction from the real crimes going on just off stage right. Abortion rights, gay and transgender rights, racial equality, bring it on. We need the diversity, but tolerance must be taught. In this way you are correct, which is why I love your writing and have been a big fan since your first book), we can’t lose thousands of years of knowledge and learning bc everyone was a racist asshole back when. You’re right also to push back on it subsuming and eradicating classical culture. (Why can’t we have both?) There is a tension there and you’re right to push back on it, but this is not the enemy.

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Other than trying to prevent confused children from being groomed into destroying their sexual function before they even experience sexual function, what rights to bodily autonomy are being quashed? Yes we oppose you killing the separate human being that grows in your uterus, but that’s just attached to your body, not part of your body. It has different DNA. She feels, thinks, and has emotional attachment to her mother. Seriously, you seem like a highly educated person. Help me understand what rights to bodily autonomy we are violating?

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Women don’t “carry” children. With a tiny bit of sperm we create a whole ass fetus then baby from scratch. It changes your entire life and body in the process. It’s not something you order up with no real cost involved. Women’s lives and plans are tanked by an unwanted pregnancy that can’t be terminated. I’m always going to side with the very much alive and grown person who has the right to choose what happens with her body.

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The DIE quip is okay, but DEI has its merits too. It sounds like Deity (probably intentional) and it is characteristic for the left, neo-Marxism, and Woke to adhere to the kind of top-down utopian determinism that looks like playing God.

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You’re wrong. I’m a mother of three teenagers living in Bethesda, MD, a close in suburb of Washington, DC. My children attend a well funded public high school where the majority of kids come from homes where parents work in government, politics and the diplomatic corps of foreign governments. You might expect our children to be more politically engaged than the average American teen, and yet, they are to a person, COMPLETELY APOLITICAL. They are lovable (most days;) American teenagers, the vast majority (and I mean VAST) of whom don’t care at all about politics. The only (and I mean ONLY) reason for the pro Hamas college protests is QATAR. QATAR and the hundreds of billions it has gifted to American universities since 2001. These billions bought soft and hard influence, including, access to university boards, faculty appointments, founding whole departments and overseas campuses, and shoring up groups like SJP and their ilk. All to foment an anti Israel climate on American campuses. Qatar spent these billions solely to convert our impressionable (gays for Hamas!?) American seventeen and eighteen year olds (our future American politicians and business and civic leaders) to their sick cause. It was intentional and effective. If Israel feels alone in the world now, just wait until this generation of American college graduates, having spent years on campuses that will more and more serve as radical Islamic jihadist incubators, comes into power. Everyone, everywhere should drop whatever they are doing, and work to outlaw foreign donations to American universities from Islamist Sharia law based dictatorships, Qatar et. al. The vast majority (and I mean VAST) of Americans had no idea this was even legal and are slow to get their heads around the long term implications. If you want a free world to be here for your grandchildren work to outlaw foreign donations to American universities. Obviously.

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