When my grandparents came to the US at the turn of the last century, they WANTED to become Americans. The difference today is that most Moslem immigrants don’t seem to want to become members of their new homes. Rather, they seem to want to turn their new homes into their old homes. And those of us who are already citizens are expected to welcome the destruction of our own cultures. This is a recipe for disaster.

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The experience of the United States is instructive. Starting, let's say, with the migrations of the 1840s potato famine, Irish immigrants selected into ethnic ghettos and featured gangs and crime. Then came the Jews and they lived in ghettos like the Lower East Side in New York City. And they had gangs. Then the Italians and gangs and crime.

But then our sainted leaders thought: I know, let's have a jolly old world war and draft all the boys, Irish, Jewish, Italian, and we'll have the Germans be the generals -- Pershing, Eisenhower. Because there is nothing like a world war to unite all the factions.

It worked like a charm for 20 years after WWII, but then we Americans fell to inter-ethnic conflict, and our leaders decided: hey, if we set blacks against whites we can divide and conquer.

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It's always about power, greed, and money. It's also an excellent argument for term limits, and aggregate term limits. And, it's why there must be the same penalties in Congress (and other branches of government who have early access to the likely outcome of legislative negotiations) as there are for stock market insider trading. Our representatives must vote knowing they will have to return to civilian life and live with the results for many years.

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