As a feminist who has been involved in the campaign to end male violence against women and girls since I was 17 years old, I am familiar with many different forms of human rights abuses that are carried out in the name of religion and culture.
After September 11th 2001, I became increasingly aware that, in comparison with other mainstream religions, Islam was getting the benefit of a free pass when it came to beliefs and practices that are harmful to women. I assumed all feminists would be outraged and vocal in their anger – but I was wrong. In fact, many women seem willing to tie themselves in knots in their efforts to believe that “Muslim feminism” is a thing.
This article was published on Ayaan’s new platform Courage.Media.
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The ideology of anti-western "cultural relativism" (and it's close cousin anti-colonialism) is finally starting to crack. It has run its course, and its time must end. The reckoning has started, but it is not yet over. Keep speaking. Don't stop.
Islam, a late comer to the world’s established religions, is an 8th century creation that has failed to adapt to a 21st century world. It was designed for and by men, and islamism remains hostile any notion of women as full human beings. That misinformed westerners don’t understand this does not alter its reality. Choose the society you want to live under, ladies.