Great conversation that reminds me of an older generations attempts to clarify the problematic nature of the human condition and modernity's increased alienation from the cosmic reality of life on earth. The first segment about noticing a 'false' consciousness hits the nail on the head so to speak, yet is it delivered with a false sense of problems that are only applicable to 'them?' That innate sense of I & otherness that develops into a necessary yet deceptive sense of us & them, in our group need to survive?

One wonders whether such well educated people can even conceive of 'noticing' the entwined truths and falsehoods within every 'sight' associated word they think of, or think to contemplate the undeniable truth that you can name the objects you see around you with any other word you can possibly 'imagine' without altering the 'reality' of the object or what your eyes are actually seeing.

Long story short, is our conditioned sense of consensus-reality, undeniably not reality? And is our taken for granted, talking-head mentality a detached and dissociated sense-of-reality?

Please contemplate the reality-wise perspective of these aphoristic comments:

The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think. ― Gregory Bateson

You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. ― Mark Twain

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The contents of a black box is impossible to know. But when you know the purpose of the black box you can wager a guess. 🙏

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I really enjoyed this conversation. Appreciation for biological sex and traditional gender norms is deeply restorative. Sadly woke correctness and post-modern deconstruction has annulled the gift and value of traditional gender identity and structure. Restoration is reclaiming these identities.

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